Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas can get expensive!

I know first hand that Christmas can get expensive. With Three kids, wife, and dog... and myself included the pile under the tree isn't free!

I found this an interesting list...

This year "The Twelve Days of Christmas" will cost your True Love $19,507, an increase of 3.1% over last year, according to the 23rd Annual PNC Christmas Price Index. That rise is consistent with the 3.5% increase in the U.S. government's Consumer Price Index so far this year.

Here's the breakdown of the 12 days...
1. Partridge in a Pear Tree - $164.99
2. Turtle Doves - $40
3. French Hens - $45
4. Calling Birds - $599.96
5. Gold Rings - $395
6. Geese-a-Laying - $360
7. Swans-a-Swimming - $4,200
8. Maids-a-Milking - $46.80
9. Ladies Dancing - $4,759.19
10. Lords-a-Leaping - $4,285.06
11. Pipers Piping - $2,213.40
12. Drummers Drumming - $2,397.85
Use this link for more information about the cost of The Twelve Days of Christmas.

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