Thursday, October 23, 2008

How long can you make the new you last?

You know that one moment when you are going to decide to do things different and put your foot down and say, " From this day forward I'm going to .... instead of ... "

How long does it last?

How committed to the change are you?

There are many tips to breaking bad habits and keeping good ones. I truly think it comes down to changing your subconscious decision making by creating a new habit different than the old.

An MIT Researcher about ten years ago did a study on this and found that there is a chemical reaction in the brain based on Good and Bad effects and that certain disorders either enhance the capability or reduce the capability of accepting new good habits and breaking old bad ones.
or at least thats how I read it. I have this bad habit of putting my .02 into other peoples research. LOL!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A weekend without Illness!

I managed to make it through the weekend without getting sick eventhough William my 4 yr old and Zoe my 13yr old both have different illnesses. After william crawled between Pam and I on Friday night I thought I was doomed for sure. But I made it! I felt my glands swelling on Sunday and I stayed in. Watched football and all around acted lazy all day and it paid off! Need to keep up my defenses this week.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Your Choice on which Ship of life you want to travel on.

With Todays Financial Turmoil many people are in a panic and the media is creating a whirlwind of Fear. I just read a prologue for a business meeting that someone is trying to setup between potential partnering companies. The pitch was that you cannot control the events that are unfolding for they are much bigger than our individual lives. But, you can control how you react to it.

You have two paths you can take. Which ship do you plan to take you there.

Noahs Ark or the Titanic?

They reminded me that no matter where you are in Business and even though you might not be an expert in your field. The Ark was built by an Amateur with Gods Divine Support and the Titanic was built by professionals who where the best in their time.

Noahs Ark or the Titanic?


I pray that people don't panic over this financial mess and instead turn to you for their support and build an Ark in their heart that will protect them from the fear of financial distruction and help people put their lives back together by coming to you and focusing their lives around your unfailing unconditional love.

In Jesus Name


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time to be like Rowan

What an inspiring story. There are certain messages that are timeless and I think this is one of them. An article printed over 40 million times. That hs inspired millions to do their best, work hard, no questions asked. My kind of story!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thank you Baby Brother!!

Although my baby brother Spiro is 32 going on 33. I still call him my baby brother. He is afterall, 7 yrs my jr. and that makes me feel a little old.

Well Baby Bro came through in a big way yesterday taking me ... the old man to the ball park and scoring fantastic seats in the third row left field next to the Sox Bullpen. I did fit in quite well I think the median age of our section was around 50. But nonetheless the place was Rockin'! A memory forever cherished... Thanks Baby Bro!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Working smarter is not an option anymore everyone just expects you to do that

I don't have the time and I have three kids and an undending force pushing at me all day called "Customers" as I try to make sense of it all I realized last week right before the financial junk started that the game has changed. smarter isn't good enough anymore. Working smarter is not an option anymore everyone just expects you to do that. It has become the starting point. So working harder is it. the secret ingredient is smarter/harder with a technical twist. Technology used correctly gives us that capability to pull off more with less while seemingly keeping it all together. I have made some great connections through mlpf mvpf whatever it's called. I've done some great business with people I've met at mixers and I've done the same the old fashioned way through cold calling and regular marketing efforts. no stone left unturned. I'm constantly going in different directions or changing my scheme. Somehow I don't go insane. Although that has been debated by my wife and kids.

Keep the momentum going!

With all the financial bad news going it seems things have picked up at the office. Why? cuz I've been busting my butt! Maybe if the rest of the country took that to heart we wouldn't be in this fricking mess. I also credit my wife for getting on a new kick called if we aint got the money for it then don't buy it! Another novel concept.

screw this I gotta have it now attitude lets just buy what we can afford and deal with it. Cash only!!!!