When driving down the street you see a handful maybe hundreds even thousands of people. What's their story. Where are they going? What is going on in their life? Happy, Sad, struggling or glad? Do you ever wonder about it?
Kind of like the scene in Evan Almighty where the Jim Carrey character can't get all the noises of people praying simultaneously out of his head. It would be unfathomable to make sense of all the information that is there.
Here is the thing though. Each person has a story behind them and until you are brought into the bubble that is their life you will never really have a reason to care. Sure you can care about the people in Haiti or Japan suffering from a natural disaster or that kid who gets shot whose story is told on the news. You are touched by their troubles as more of their story is revealed to you. Maybe you are moved to give financially or even volunteer your time. Sometimes you will just pray or feel sad for that person or even worse instead of empathy or sympathy you show apathy and just don't care.
It's your prerogative to give a crap or not.
The interesting thing is your story is what defines you and until you share your story people don't really know what is going on in your life. Your struggles, desires, concerns and loves. Your likes and dislikes and your expectations of your future.
Until you know someone else's story be slow to judge. I'm sure you don't enjoy it when people misjudge you during a trial. Think long and hard next time you see someone. Look them in the eyes and see past the façade that we put up in our lives and even If you only have a moment ask them. What's your story? Maybe don't be so blunt but heck.. Why not. Don't be offended if they have no desire to let you in the circle. But you might be surprised what comes off the situation. Take my wife Pam as an example. Here is the post my wife made yesterday after talking to a old blind man walking down the street.
Incredible morning. After leaving Rotary Hill, but before reaching Last Fling madness, an old blind man stopped me to chat for awhile. We had an amazing conversation about his WWII service, his wife of 58 yrs who passed away, his daughter who passed away 2 yrs ago, his other kids who don't care about him, and Jesus. And Heaven. It. was. awesome. ♥
You can make an impact with something as simple as a 5 minute conversation. Even if your husband and kids are waiting in the wings. We lived and are better for it.
I've heard so many stories from people telling me that a simple gesture of a few minutes time and a listening ear and heart has transformed their own hearts into caring for someone they didn't even know.
Once you hear the story behind someone it gives you a huge privilege to pray for that person or praise their success or accomplishment.
What a better way to live your life by being a part of peoples stories.
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