Monday, May 19, 2008

Long time no post I guess I had a good reason

I haven't posted in Ages. Well first we went on our presidents club trip to St Marteen and that was a blast as always. Then we went on our family vacation to Disneyworld and for the most part that was a blast and I will explain.

we drove down in 19 hours straight splitting the driving and with the adrenaline pumping we just cruised hit very little traffic except in stupid Atlanta unfortunately right at 4pm rush hour.
Parks where packed we had lots of fun. hotel where almost all sold out everywhere. On the Thursday I had a toothache and took tylenol (didn't work. no effect) on Friday I had a full fledged headache/migraine coming off the tooth I switched to advil three pills every four hours and it had no effect. I was still walking the parks and having well , Fun with the kids for the most part I was also resting in the hotel room alot watching william while the girls went to the pool or did something else. nothing was working my head hurt so bad. When Saturday came around and it was time to go home I started to drive out and took the wrong turn onto the highway heading to tampa instead of the turnpike to get out of Orlando. Pam ( my wife ) looked at me and told me to pull over that she was going to drive. we switched and she drove the rest of the way. It took a little longer with one driver. she drove straight through with only a few meal stops and two short rest stops in TN. 26 hours straight she drove us home while I was helpless in pain for the most part either sleeping or keeping my eyes closed cuz it hurt so bad.

Finally we got home on Sunday morning and pam found a dentist here in naperville who would see us in one hour Dr Hazelhorst saw me and extracted the tooth. initially it seemed like the pain went away but it didn't . He gave me some penecillin and pain killers. I went home and slept. I was wiped.

Monday morning I woke up and pam gave me my pills they rolled out of my hand. I was plain loopy I couldn't talk move or make any sense at all. I crashed. It looked like I had a stroke.
she called 911. The paramedics had me do a basic sobriety type test and I failed everything miserably. so they threw me in the truck and got me to the ER on my way there I had a seizure by my eye. I heard the guy next to me yell to the driver to floor it that I looked bad and might be stroking out. It did scare me cuz the look on his face was that It didn't look good. sirens and all I made it to the ER.

Where I started to seize by my mouth. I was totally able to understand everything everyone was saying but out my mouth came totally different things I was gone. couldnt say my name, where I was what day it was. My wife told the paramedics about the tooth pull so at the hospital was pretty much assuming I had an infection that spread. There assumption was correct. I was sent to a catscan that I was unable to stay still for. I was unresponsive and tired and well wiped out. they stabilized me and put me in the ICU. There I sat from Monday til Friday the day of the surgery. I was pretty responsive the whole week and had a what seemed like a million visitors. I truly felt loved by my family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church family,etc....MY boss, Mike Theriault gave everyone 2 hours with pay to come visit me. it meant so much. Then the baskets flowers cards, gifts, and eve money that came in from so many different people I even got phone calls from online fellow board members. Thank you Vincent Wright you Rock! one of the most encouraging people I know.

The surgery day was awesome. Pam was there of course Our resident Church family babysitter Rachel Caroll watched our kids. God Bless you honey you and your husband Bill just rock our world! Sean Bublitz came and prayed for me and stayed with Pam through the surgery

Dr Rabin (you are the best Brain Surgeon I know) Ok your the only brain surgeon I know but you do an awesome job nonetheless. I love you brother for putting my head back together and for waking me up through the surgery to tell me I'm ok. it worked I felt the encouragement. I truly was at calm and felt the peace that Jesus gives on my heart and in my mind. I knew that everything was going to be ok. I could hear the words of prayer from hundreds if not thousands of people going through Jesus right down to me. His healing love and power was truly eminent and present in my life at that time.

Then I woke up. ( i'm tired now and I'll continue the story tomorrow or soon.)

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