Crazy Greek Rantings! I'm a freak for Liberty, Jesus and Justice for all!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Airports can make you squimish!
Especially when you have to go to the bathroom real bad and the bathroom is real gross so you hold it in until you get home. I guess I could of went on the plane. But that prospect didn't seem much better and the flight was only about 70 min's
Saturday, November 29, 2008
It's officially the holidays!
Some try to fight it with grunts and bah humbugs. Others embrace it with 24/7 Christmas songs on the radio. It's too late naysayers! The Advent starts on Monday. Quit thinking of Christmas in a commercial way and all things will fall into place. It might sound like a soundbite corny phrase, Yes I'm gonna say it. "Jesus is the reason for the season!" and don't you forget it! I don't care if you write X-mas. I don't mind the occasional "Happy Holidays" but for heavens sake it's Christmas. just say it!!!! say it!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I feel better already!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bad Boy! Bad!
I've been a bad boy! I got so tired of taking my medicine. It just made me tired. So I reduced my dose over a week and now I'm off of it entirely. I feel better and seem to have some of that extra inner step throughout the day. It was anti seizure medicine and frankly the only time I had a seizure was when a blob of infection was pushing down on my brain. I have had no sign of any seizure since the surgery in April so I'm off the stuff and feeling better for it. it was just precautionary and it seemed like overkill to take this junk for three years let alone six months.
I'm sure my doctor will be real happy with me. Well I don't really care.
I'm sure my doctor will be real happy with me. Well I don't really care.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Another Monday Rears It's Ugly Head
Rainy days I don't mind. Mondays after a nice weekend relaxing, I do mind! Monday has come again and I'm sitting in my cubicle staring at my Inbox on Outlook and I need a extra bit of help getting the juices flowing this week. On my second cup of tea thinking that I might need to switch to coffee but not quite yet!
Fallapalloza at church was awesome. I love more every week! The kids had a blast. big hits where " I Love Trash" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" Parody Those crazy Bramletts!
Rake leaves from middle portion of yard to the street. BRRR!... very out of shape it hurt... dragged playset to curb. started prepping yard for winter. Laid about the house aching afterwards. Watched old movies and westerns.
Early Church service. Awesome message from Tim Sutherland and worked the Kid City booth with Tammy only one person signed up but she seems very sharp. Young, Intelligent, and former camp counselor.
Bears Lost :-(
Pam did an Avon event at the Martin Avenue apartments
more old movies and westerns :-)
beep beep beep beep :-(
Fallapalloza at church was awesome. I love more every week! The kids had a blast. big hits where " I Love Trash" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" Parody Those crazy Bramletts!
Rake leaves from middle portion of yard to the street. BRRR!... very out of shape it hurt... dragged playset to curb. started prepping yard for winter. Laid about the house aching afterwards. Watched old movies and westerns.
Early Church service. Awesome message from Tim Sutherland and worked the Kid City booth with Tammy only one person signed up but she seems very sharp. Young, Intelligent, and former camp counselor.
Bears Lost :-(
Pam did an Avon event at the Martin Avenue apartments
more old movies and westerns :-)
beep beep beep beep :-(
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm sooo ready for this day to end
I want this day to end the election to End I want to get past this and put all the junk behind us so we know what we are dealing with and then just turn around and start plugging away!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How long can you make the new you last?
You know that one moment when you are going to decide to do things different and put your foot down and say, " From this day forward I'm going to .... instead of ... "
How long does it last?
How committed to the change are you?
There are many tips to breaking bad habits and keeping good ones. I truly think it comes down to changing your subconscious decision making by creating a new habit different than the old.
An MIT Researcher about ten years ago did a study on this and found that there is a chemical reaction in the brain based on Good and Bad effects and that certain disorders either enhance the capability or reduce the capability of accepting new good habits and breaking old bad ones.
or at least thats how I read it. I have this bad habit of putting my .02 into other peoples research. LOL!
How long does it last?
How committed to the change are you?
There are many tips to breaking bad habits and keeping good ones. I truly think it comes down to changing your subconscious decision making by creating a new habit different than the old.
An MIT Researcher about ten years ago did a study on this and found that there is a chemical reaction in the brain based on Good and Bad effects and that certain disorders either enhance the capability or reduce the capability of accepting new good habits and breaking old bad ones.
or at least thats how I read it. I have this bad habit of putting my .02 into other peoples research. LOL!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A weekend without Illness!
I managed to make it through the weekend without getting sick eventhough William my 4 yr old and Zoe my 13yr old both have different illnesses. After william crawled between Pam and I on Friday night I thought I was doomed for sure. But I made it! I felt my glands swelling on Sunday and I stayed in. Watched football and all around acted lazy all day and it paid off! Need to keep up my defenses this week.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Your Choice on which Ship of life you want to travel on.
With Todays Financial Turmoil many people are in a panic and the media is creating a whirlwind of Fear. I just read a prologue for a business meeting that someone is trying to setup between potential partnering companies. The pitch was that you cannot control the events that are unfolding for they are much bigger than our individual lives. But, you can control how you react to it.
You have two paths you can take. Which ship do you plan to take you there.
Noahs Ark or the Titanic?
They reminded me that no matter where you are in Business and even though you might not be an expert in your field. The Ark was built by an Amateur with Gods Divine Support and the Titanic was built by professionals who where the best in their time.
Noahs Ark or the Titanic?
I pray that people don't panic over this financial mess and instead turn to you for their support and build an Ark in their heart that will protect them from the fear of financial distruction and help people put their lives back together by coming to you and focusing their lives around your unfailing unconditional love.
In Jesus Name
You have two paths you can take. Which ship do you plan to take you there.
Noahs Ark or the Titanic?
They reminded me that no matter where you are in Business and even though you might not be an expert in your field. The Ark was built by an Amateur with Gods Divine Support and the Titanic was built by professionals who where the best in their time.
Noahs Ark or the Titanic?
I pray that people don't panic over this financial mess and instead turn to you for their support and build an Ark in their heart that will protect them from the fear of financial distruction and help people put their lives back together by coming to you and focusing their lives around your unfailing unconditional love.
In Jesus Name
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Time to be like Rowan
What an inspiring story. There are certain messages that are timeless and I think this is one of them. An article printed over 40 million times. That hs inspired millions to do their best, work hard, no questions asked. My kind of story!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Thank you Baby Brother!!
Although my baby brother Spiro is 32 going on 33. I still call him my baby brother. He is afterall, 7 yrs my jr. and that makes me feel a little old.
Well Baby Bro came through in a big way yesterday taking me ... the old man to the ball park and scoring fantastic seats in the third row left field next to the Sox Bullpen. I did fit in quite well I think the median age of our section was around 50. But nonetheless the place was Rockin'! A memory forever cherished... Thanks Baby Bro!
Well Baby Bro came through in a big way yesterday taking me ... the old man to the ball park and scoring fantastic seats in the third row left field next to the Sox Bullpen. I did fit in quite well I think the median age of our section was around 50. But nonetheless the place was Rockin'! A memory forever cherished... Thanks Baby Bro!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Working smarter is not an option anymore everyone just expects you to do that
I don't have the time and I have three kids and an undending force pushing at me all day called "Customers" as I try to make sense of it all I realized last week right before the financial junk started that the game has changed. smarter isn't good enough anymore. Working smarter is not an option anymore everyone just expects you to do that. It has become the starting point. So working harder is it. the secret ingredient is smarter/harder with a technical twist. Technology used correctly gives us that capability to pull off more with less while seemingly keeping it all together. I have made some great connections through mlpf mvpf whatever it's called. I've done some great business with people I've met at mixers and I've done the same the old fashioned way through cold calling and regular marketing efforts. no stone left unturned. I'm constantly going in different directions or changing my scheme. Somehow I don't go insane. Although that has been debated by my wife and kids.
Keep the momentum going!
With all the financial bad news going it seems things have picked up at the office. Why? cuz I've been busting my butt! Maybe if the rest of the country took that to heart we wouldn't be in this fricking mess. I also credit my wife for getting on a new kick called if we aint got the money for it then don't buy it! Another novel concept.
screw this I gotta have it now attitude lets just buy what we can afford and deal with it. Cash only!!!!
screw this I gotta have it now attitude lets just buy what we can afford and deal with it. Cash only!!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Your thoughts in 140 charachters or less
Are we dumbing down? Is this the ADD persons dream? I'm starting to twitter and update my 140 charachter thoughts throughout the day and finding it fun and interesting that we can reduce ourselves to two/three sentences without thinking twice.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Last weekend I watched Jerry Maguire for the umpteenth time and I think my brain surgery caused some internal leaking. it seems that certain kinds of sappy moments just tear me up :-)
I'm secure enough in my manhood that it's ok for a grown man to cry!
There is a moment when Rod Tidwell the wide receiver that Jerry maguire charachter represents is knocked unconscious after a touchdown catch in a Monday night football game. Shots of the family. The wife and kids frantically trying to figure out if he's ok. Jerry is worried on the sideline. Doctors and trainers trying to revive him and then snap he gets up and does the touchdown dance after the game he is hugging and crying with jerry and eventually he gets his contract renewed and Jerry is on his way to getting his mojo back.
Well I feel like Rod Tidwell. I got knocked down and I got back up and its time to get the contract now. Only difference is it's not going to fall into my lap I have to go get it!
I'm secure enough in my manhood that it's ok for a grown man to cry!
There is a moment when Rod Tidwell the wide receiver that Jerry maguire charachter represents is knocked unconscious after a touchdown catch in a Monday night football game. Shots of the family. The wife and kids frantically trying to figure out if he's ok. Jerry is worried on the sideline. Doctors and trainers trying to revive him and then snap he gets up and does the touchdown dance after the game he is hugging and crying with jerry and eventually he gets his contract renewed and Jerry is on his way to getting his mojo back.
Well I feel like Rod Tidwell. I got knocked down and I got back up and its time to get the contract now. Only difference is it's not going to fall into my lap I have to go get it!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The Accidental Person
I've started reading a new book by Chris Lytle. " The Accidental Salesperson" Chris is in my network of people in LinkedIn and he hails from the Chicagoland area as well. I'm only a chapter into the book but kudos to Chris for writing a good one. Although I feel like I'm taking the book to the next level as I sometimes feel like "The Accidental Person". Life is too short to make excuses and life is too complicated to try to figure it all out in one lifetime. Of course in another book that I'm reading right now. (I'm reading three books at once!) The Screwtape letters by C.S. Lewis and no the C is not for chris, although I have an affinity for my name all things don't have to start with Chris or C for that matter. Anyway, back to my train of thought. The screwtape letters are a series of letters from Screwtape to his minion Wormtongue. Screwtape and Wormtongue represent Demons who are working for the high(Low) Authority himself the Devil and he is trying to help his minion get his subject from leaning towards the enemy(God). I like it It's not an easy read but it makes you think about what is happening in the spirit world everyday!
I've been going around and asking people what inspires them and I may start posting some of the answers on the Blog. we shall see if they permit only.
My Brother turns 46 today! Yes he's old real old. I'm pretty sure he doesn't read this blog so it doesn't really matter!
I've been going around and asking people what inspires them and I may start posting some of the answers on the Blog. we shall see if they permit only.
My Brother turns 46 today! Yes he's old real old. I'm pretty sure he doesn't read this blog so it doesn't really matter!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I like this quote
"In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing."
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)26th president of the United States
It seems we have become a nation, no! a global people of do nothings and the doers control the worlds mood. They are the terrorists, Entrepeneurs, CEO's, Teachers, Doctors, Scientists, Politicians, and our overall leaders. They drive their circle of influence as much as themselves sometimes. The followers seem to just follow. Stuck in the rut of someone elses shade. Lulled into a sense of security by their own insecurity. The better influencer you are the larger your circle is. Sometimes you are thrust into or elected into the post. Other times they seize the position by conniving or force. When you decide to break free from your bondage of inaction is when you finally break through that circle of fear that is our bubble of comfort. The shelter of inequities and broken self-esteem. Nobody can do it for you but you can be coerced, pushed, lifted, supported, and encouraged to take the steps necessary to embetter your life.
It all begins with one step....
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919)26th president of the United States
It seems we have become a nation, no! a global people of do nothings and the doers control the worlds mood. They are the terrorists, Entrepeneurs, CEO's, Teachers, Doctors, Scientists, Politicians, and our overall leaders. They drive their circle of influence as much as themselves sometimes. The followers seem to just follow. Stuck in the rut of someone elses shade. Lulled into a sense of security by their own insecurity. The better influencer you are the larger your circle is. Sometimes you are thrust into or elected into the post. Other times they seize the position by conniving or force. When you decide to break free from your bondage of inaction is when you finally break through that circle of fear that is our bubble of comfort. The shelter of inequities and broken self-esteem. Nobody can do it for you but you can be coerced, pushed, lifted, supported, and encouraged to take the steps necessary to embetter your life.
It all begins with one step....
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Future of Me?
I cannot predict the future and I don't play a psychic on TV. But I do ask myself (more than I thought I ever would). What is the future of me? I'm no philosopher either but I seem to philosophize, if that is even a word, more than I should. I guess what I'm asking myselfe, God, whoever wants to listen. Am I just protesting? or do I have a valid reason to question my destiny which at 39 am still unaware of its existence or purpose. Should I be content and just shut up. I have grown much in the past year. Wisdom caused by the frailty of life? Nearness of Death? what is next?
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
What is a Zafiropoulos
Zen like thought provoker!
Attitude is guaranteed.
Free quotes of wisdom given daily.
Intense pain in the (please add body part)
Reality televesion isn't real enough
Operation on brain was succesfull
People magazine won't know what hit them
Only genius sheer genius
Under new management
Living the high life
Overly enthusiastic
Something Special
Attitude is guaranteed.
Free quotes of wisdom given daily.
Intense pain in the (please add body part)
Reality televesion isn't real enough
Operation on brain was succesfull
People magazine won't know what hit them
Only genius sheer genius
Under new management
Living the high life
Overly enthusiastic
Something Special
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Proud of our not so little company
we have grown to a 60million dollar company in four years. Starting to catch notice in the industry and ready to grow even more. Even though there are always a few crazy things going on.(what place doesn't have it's share of a little drama) I'm proud to be a part of this company that I have been with since its inception!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Two birds with one stone
We where able to find out what was clogging zoe's toilet and where she lost her phone in one fell swoop.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Nothing cooler than finding an old friend.

This man is an awesome blessing to our earth. Thank God for him and his work. He truly has blessed my life in the past and blesses many others as we speak.
Brook Brotzman, President - Brook is the President of GO Ministries and is responsible for the oversight of the entire ministry both in the U.S. and on the field. He is also responsible for the majority of the fundraising and partnership development and is the main vision caster for the ministry.
this is his awesome ministry you can make a difference by supporting his work.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I thought I was too young for it.
In light of recent events (brain surgery). I thought that I was too young to watch the movie The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. But, after watching it I think that I'm just right. I thought about the subject of The Bucket List recently and since I don't have the unlimited resources they had in the movie I'll just have to reign in my list a little bit due to a case of "reality".
I'm still unsure what I'm putting on the list though.
don't have the time to think about it right now.
I'm still unsure what I'm putting on the list though.
don't have the time to think about it right now.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dog Days of Summer
They have truly begun. Mid July --- All star break! Yes Ladies and Gentlemen it's the dog days of SUMMER
Everyone knows that the “dog days of summer” occur during the hottest and muggiest part of the season. Webster defines “dog days” as...
1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity
But where does the term come from? Why do we call the hot, sultry days of summer “dog days?”
In ancient times, when the night sky was unobscured by artificial lights and smog, different groups of peoples in different parts of the world drew images in the sky by “connecting the dots” of stars. The images drawn were dependent upon the culture: The Chinese saw different images than the Native Americans, who saw different pictures than the Europeans. These star pictures are now called constellations, and the constellations that are now mapped out in the sky come from our European ancestors.
They saw images of bears, (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor), twins, (Gemini), a bull, (Taurus), and others, including dogs, (Canis Major and Canis Minor).
The brightest of the stars in Canis Major (the big dog) is Sirius, which also happens to be the brightest star in the night sky. In fact, it is so bright that the ancient Romans thought that the earth received heat from it. Look for it in the southern sky (viewed from northern latitudes) during January. info pulled from
Everyone knows that the “dog days of summer” occur during the hottest and muggiest part of the season. Webster defines “dog days” as...
1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity
But where does the term come from? Why do we call the hot, sultry days of summer “dog days?”
In ancient times, when the night sky was unobscured by artificial lights and smog, different groups of peoples in different parts of the world drew images in the sky by “connecting the dots” of stars. The images drawn were dependent upon the culture: The Chinese saw different images than the Native Americans, who saw different pictures than the Europeans. These star pictures are now called constellations, and the constellations that are now mapped out in the sky come from our European ancestors.
They saw images of bears, (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor), twins, (Gemini), a bull, (Taurus), and others, including dogs, (Canis Major and Canis Minor).
The brightest of the stars in Canis Major (the big dog) is Sirius, which also happens to be the brightest star in the night sky. In fact, it is so bright that the ancient Romans thought that the earth received heat from it. Look for it in the southern sky (viewed from northern latitudes) during January. info pulled from
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Back in the office
I guess I should be excited but I'm not really. I'm back in the office. I will miss some of the things about working from home but I needed to get back to focus on my business better. It will take a little getting used to the new (old) sorroundings. and it will take a while to put things back into their place. But it was time. I was starting to go nuts at home with the kids, pets and just general stuff that distracts you through the day. and the fact that the fridge is 10 feet from your desk didn't help either.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Is it me or am I just getting old
we didn't go out to any fireworks displays this year. across the tracks from us is an unincorporated area and the folks do a little show every year. this year was no different except that this year we dug a fire pit and we had a little campfire going and cooked hot dogs and smores.
I think it might become a tradition
I think it might become a tradition
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
what is 4th of july about by Brock Henderson
As this 4th of July comes upon us, and we celebrate our nation’s Birthday, take a moment to reflect on what our founding fathers risked in order to provide us with the
“… life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that we take for granted.
Their signatures on the Declaration of Independence was no small act of rebellion . . . it was treason.
If the revolution had failed, some very brilliant men would have been hung, and we would still be part of the British Empire. These men and their desire for independence did not represent everyone in the colonies; in fact only about one-third of the citizens favored independence, one-third thought we should remain part of England, and one-third didn’t much care one way or the other.
But because a small fraction of the citizenry believed so strongly in the need for independence, and were willing to risk everything for that freedom, we stand here today as free men and women.
We forget that Freedom isn’t free. It was initially paid for by those brave colonists who stood their ground against the British and died. Our freedom is purchased anew by every man and woman who puts on, (or has ever put on), the American uniform and willingly offered to sacrifice themselves to keep us free.
Unfortunately, we are both loved and hated for our freedom, and not just by foreign countries, but by our own citizens as well. Some Americans have forgotten or don’t understand the price that has been paid for the freedoms we take for granted. They blame America for world pollution, for global warming, and for terrorism because we help others fight for freedom. They blame America for all that is bad in the world.
But were it not for America there would not be freedom in the world. France is free because of America. Italy is free because of America. Germany is free because of America. England is free because of America. Egypt is free because of America. Nation after nation is either free, or better off because of this great land of ours.
We are not a perfect nation, but we are a brilliant shining symbol of hope to many people throughout the world and we should be proud of that. We are Americans. With warts and wrinkles this is true; but also with honor, and pride, and hearts as big as the western sky.
So this 4th of July as you celebrate our nations birthday with fireworks and cookouts, take a moment in your heart to remember all the men and women who have risked everything to stand up to tyranny, oppression, and hate. Do not ignore our shortcomings, but work to make them fewer; and at the same time salute our flag and be proud of America’s accomplishments in helping to keep the world free.
Brock 387-7565Skype: brock.hendersonwww.bhenderson.comBlog: Business & Marketing NewsletterFree Selling Tips Newsletter
“… life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that we take for granted.
Their signatures on the Declaration of Independence was no small act of rebellion . . . it was treason.
If the revolution had failed, some very brilliant men would have been hung, and we would still be part of the British Empire. These men and their desire for independence did not represent everyone in the colonies; in fact only about one-third of the citizens favored independence, one-third thought we should remain part of England, and one-third didn’t much care one way or the other.
But because a small fraction of the citizenry believed so strongly in the need for independence, and were willing to risk everything for that freedom, we stand here today as free men and women.
We forget that Freedom isn’t free. It was initially paid for by those brave colonists who stood their ground against the British and died. Our freedom is purchased anew by every man and woman who puts on, (or has ever put on), the American uniform and willingly offered to sacrifice themselves to keep us free.
Unfortunately, we are both loved and hated for our freedom, and not just by foreign countries, but by our own citizens as well. Some Americans have forgotten or don’t understand the price that has been paid for the freedoms we take for granted. They blame America for world pollution, for global warming, and for terrorism because we help others fight for freedom. They blame America for all that is bad in the world.
But were it not for America there would not be freedom in the world. France is free because of America. Italy is free because of America. Germany is free because of America. England is free because of America. Egypt is free because of America. Nation after nation is either free, or better off because of this great land of ours.
We are not a perfect nation, but we are a brilliant shining symbol of hope to many people throughout the world and we should be proud of that. We are Americans. With warts and wrinkles this is true; but also with honor, and pride, and hearts as big as the western sky.
So this 4th of July as you celebrate our nations birthday with fireworks and cookouts, take a moment in your heart to remember all the men and women who have risked everything to stand up to tyranny, oppression, and hate. Do not ignore our shortcomings, but work to make them fewer; and at the same time salute our flag and be proud of America’s accomplishments in helping to keep the world free.
Brock 387-7565Skype: brock.hendersonwww.bhenderson.comBlog: Business & Marketing NewsletterFree Selling Tips Newsletter
The meaning of the Pledge! Happy 4th
I: me, an individual, a committee of one.
Pledge: dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
Allegiance: my love and my devotion.
To the flag: our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!
United : that means that we have all come together.
States: individual communities that have united into 50 great states. Fifty individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.
And to the republic: a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands, one nation: one nation, meaning "so blessed by God"
Indivisible: incapable of being divided.
With liberty: which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear or some sort of retaliation.
And Justice: the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all: which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
for an audio version of Red Skeleton reciting these words (minor change from 48 to 50 states posted)
Pledge: dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
Allegiance: my love and my devotion.
To the flag: our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!
United : that means that we have all come together.
States: individual communities that have united into 50 great states. Fifty individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that's love for country.
And to the republic: a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it's from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands, one nation: one nation, meaning "so blessed by God"
Indivisible: incapable of being divided.
With liberty: which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's own life without threats, fear or some sort of retaliation.
And Justice: the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all: which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
for an audio version of Red Skeleton reciting these words (minor change from 48 to 50 states posted)
Monday, June 30, 2008
wedded bliss
Just got back from Minnesota over the weekend where we saw my wifes aunt get remarried.
She and her new husband are both widowed and in their 70's and they went to youth camp together in the 1940's. Pam's Dad knew the groom but hadn't seen him in 65 years. So it was a little unique to say the least. it was real fun to see some of her family that we havent seen in a long time.
She and her new husband are both widowed and in their 70's and they went to youth camp together in the 1940's. Pam's Dad knew the groom but hadn't seen him in 65 years. So it was a little unique to say the least. it was real fun to see some of her family that we havent seen in a long time.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
White Sox
White Sox
Let's Go Go Go
White Sox
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
We're with you all the way You're always in there fighting and you do your best
We're glad to have you out here in the Middle West
We're gonna root root root root White Sox
And cheer you on to victory
When we're in the stands we'll make those rafters ring
All through the season you will here us sing
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago's proud of you
(musical interlude)
White Sox White Sox
Go Go White Sox
Root Root Root for the White Sox
We'll cheer you on to victory
When we're in the stands we'll make those rafters ring
All through the season you will here us sing
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago's proud of you
White Sox White Sox Go Go White Sox
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago is proud of you
White Sox
Let's Go Go Go
White Sox
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
We're with you all the way You're always in there fighting and you do your best
We're glad to have you out here in the Middle West
We're gonna root root root root White Sox
And cheer you on to victory
When we're in the stands we'll make those rafters ring
All through the season you will here us sing
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago's proud of you
(musical interlude)
White Sox White Sox
Go Go White Sox
Root Root Root for the White Sox
We'll cheer you on to victory
When we're in the stands we'll make those rafters ring
All through the season you will here us sing
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago's proud of you
White Sox White Sox Go Go White Sox
Let's Go Go Go White Sox
Chicago is proud of you
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Kill count is impressive
I just watched the new Rambo movie and I must say that Rambo out did himself again. I don't think i've ever seen so many people graphicly killed ( you gotta love cgi ). I know that they track this somewhere. just haven't found it yet but I wonder what the kill ratio is compared to other movies.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
After being told to do nothing for two months and just relax/recooperate. I got some yard work in this week.
I'm outta shape and darn tootin tired. I need to do some kind of exercise at least three to four times a week.
I'm outta shape and darn tootin tired. I need to do some kind of exercise at least three to four times a week.
Friday, June 13, 2008
starting your day on the phone with a collection agent for a medical bill of 134$ is not my ideal way to start the day
i'm ok.. i feel better now!
i'm ok.. i feel better now!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Today I might be getting my new(almost new) car
I'm not much of a fancy car person. Am I saying I wouldn't want a Porsche if I had one. NO! I'm just saying that it isnt very practical for a father of three struggling to make ends meet driving a 80k vehicle that makes him look like an overweight Greek Adonis. LOL!
what about a 2005 Ford Focus. That willmake me the talk of the town. My neighbor Angela (three doors down), unfortunately we have too many things in common. Her husband ( Jeff I think) is in Hospice care with a Brain Tumor and many other issues. We happen to share the same brain surgeon Dr. Rabin and the same infectious Disease dr Augustinsky ( not cool enough to have his own website) so she is stuck with two car payments and I'm hoping I can help stop the bleeding on that front for her. already approved me for way more than I can afford and yes the practical me (and boring ) is gonna spend within my means instead of overdo it. approved for 24k and spending 10 at best. hoping we can close the deal and finance about 9500$ total after tax and title leaving me with a 150 a month payment for 72 months with no prepayment penalty.
i'll have to take a picture of the car and post it later today or this weekend. It will take about a week to process the paperwork.
now if I could get that stupid Focus and a Dell jingle out of my head!!!!!
what about a 2005 Ford Focus. That willmake me the talk of the town. My neighbor Angela (three doors down), unfortunately we have too many things in common. Her husband ( Jeff I think) is in Hospice care with a Brain Tumor and many other issues. We happen to share the same brain surgeon Dr. Rabin and the same infectious Disease dr Augustinsky ( not cool enough to have his own website) so she is stuck with two car payments and I'm hoping I can help stop the bleeding on that front for her. already approved me for way more than I can afford and yes the practical me (and boring ) is gonna spend within my means instead of overdo it. approved for 24k and spending 10 at best. hoping we can close the deal and finance about 9500$ total after tax and title leaving me with a 150 a month payment for 72 months with no prepayment penalty.
i'll have to take a picture of the car and post it later today or this weekend. It will take about a week to process the paperwork.
now if I could get that stupid Focus and a Dell jingle out of my head!!!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Did I get enough sleep?
I slept like 3.5 hours last night. Well I got up and went to the bathroom and when I walked out I just instinctively went downstairs instead of back to bed. I fixed outlook on Pam's computer, did some work on mine and then 5am rolled around I went and grabbed the papers. I had breakfast and made coffee then I wrote in my journal a little whilst reading my bible. Then I took my pills drank my coffee and here we are. 6:30 in the morning and ready for a nap. LOL!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
A true step out in Faith to Bring People Back to God!
Today I went to Leadership Community at and it was awesome.
The worship was powerful the Parody song to celebrate new leaders was hilarious. But most of all I got to see a person who is going to truly step out in faith to do Jesus' mission which is bringing people back to God. Aaron Monts and his wife are going to plant a Church in Sanfransisco one of the least churched cities in our country. they need your prayer and support in many ways. check out Sign up to be a part of the prayer team It's the least you can do.
The worship was powerful the Parody song to celebrate new leaders was hilarious. But most of all I got to see a person who is going to truly step out in faith to do Jesus' mission which is bringing people back to God. Aaron Monts and his wife are going to plant a Church in Sanfransisco one of the least churched cities in our country. they need your prayer and support in many ways. check out Sign up to be a part of the prayer team It's the least you can do.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics. They saved my life but after 8 weeks. Be gone with you! This also means I get my picc line taken out. peripherally inserted central catheter case u must know.
I can't really exercise/ use my Right arm for any kind of physical activity. So now it's time to get my butt off the couch and get into some semblance of shape!
Steroids end in 10 days. So I have ten days of exercising on steroids LOL. If I got em I might as well use them!
I can't really exercise/ use my Right arm for any kind of physical activity. So now it's time to get my butt off the couch and get into some semblance of shape!
Steroids end in 10 days. So I have ten days of exercising on steroids LOL. If I got em I might as well use them!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I've created a MONSTER!
Earlier this year I won one of those IPOD docks valued at approx. 50$ but I had no IPOD so it sat in our storage closet under the stairs for three months. Lately Pam has been complaining about not being able to rehearse her music upstairs in the Bedroom and having to be attached to the computer downstairs. So I broke down and bought a 200$ IPOD nano 8gb. Somehow Apple is the big winner here. My consellation prize is I got her a black one instead of a Pink one. Just in case I end up using it. Not that i'm not secure enough in my manhood to use a pink IPOD.
Now I can't get the woman off ITUNES and I swear we are going to have to add ITUNES to the budget every month. She is just starting to figure the thing out and I think she likes it! I will have to snag a pic of her using it one of these days.
I also have to admit I'm a little impressed with the quality of the device and software. Pretty wicked how the thing practically does everything by itself.
Now I can't get the woman off ITUNES and I swear we are going to have to add ITUNES to the budget every month. She is just starting to figure the thing out and I think she likes it! I will have to snag a pic of her using it one of these days.
I also have to admit I'm a little impressed with the quality of the device and software. Pretty wicked how the thing practically does everything by itself.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
If I only knew what was chasing him I'd wack the dudes!
I just put william back to sleep on the couch(1:30 am) (he's 3 and half) poor guy woke up in the middle of the night being chased by something. I'm glad I don't have those kind of dreams! Of course now I can't sleep. Maybe I need to chase something. It's ok... I forgot my night time before bed antibiotic anyway. (just took it) that kid knew something. LOL! Probably being chased by my doctor to go get me to take my pill.
I have a weird relationship with my wife and somehow I get away with it
For our Honeymoon we went to Northern Wisconsin to a Cabin with no electricity or running water the first week of January in -16 degree weather. I'm one of the few men who can say I used a chainsaw on my honeymoon and my wife lived to tell about it.
Then today I bought my wife a new lawnmower. just because I love her. LOL ! It was mostly her fault. I walked in the door from my breakfast meeting today and Pam said. I gave the lawn mower to the neighbors you need to go buy me a new one.
So off galavanting around town today. what a saturday
1. mens breakfast
2. bagels at the house
3. return auto pet litter thing to petsmart
4. set appts at kidsnips and lenscrafters
5. go home cuz I forgot to take my meds
6. go to sears buy mower
7. go to mcdonalds
8. hurry back to kidsnips (10 miles away)
9. go to eye appointment (they where 1 hour behind)
10. wait for glasses to get made
11. go get sundaes and dessert at red robin while we wait for glasses
12. get glasses
13. walk out and see that family abandoned me so I go to other stores
14. realize I wasn't abandoned my wife went shopping
15. shop more
16. go home assemble mower
17. watch wife mow lawn as I tinker in the garage while watching baseball on my newly installed dishnetwork connection in my GARAGE!
Then today I bought my wife a new lawnmower. just because I love her. LOL ! It was mostly her fault. I walked in the door from my breakfast meeting today and Pam said. I gave the lawn mower to the neighbors you need to go buy me a new one.
So off galavanting around town today. what a saturday
1. mens breakfast
2. bagels at the house
3. return auto pet litter thing to petsmart
4. set appts at kidsnips and lenscrafters
5. go home cuz I forgot to take my meds
6. go to sears buy mower
7. go to mcdonalds
8. hurry back to kidsnips (10 miles away)
9. go to eye appointment (they where 1 hour behind)
10. wait for glasses to get made
11. go get sundaes and dessert at red robin while we wait for glasses
12. get glasses
13. walk out and see that family abandoned me so I go to other stores
14. realize I wasn't abandoned my wife went shopping
15. shop more
16. go home assemble mower
17. watch wife mow lawn as I tinker in the garage while watching baseball on my newly installed dishnetwork connection in my GARAGE!
The Rubber Must Meet The Road Eventually
It's time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves if today is the day that I will put the rubber on the road and be what God wants me to be. It's difficult to say that. In our inherent nature as human beings the phrase is said " what I want me to be". Lately at both Church and my Saturday morning Men's Group. The discussion has been about Surrendering to God and what does that really mean. Letting your issues and desires be God's issues and desires. You can't get to that point until you look at yourself in the mirror and instead of seeing yourself standing there alone you see yourself standing with God standing beside you. Not just watching your back but being the Quarterback in your life. Calling the plays. So how am I supposed to know what is God's will for me? I feel that all I can do is Pray and connect with God more and as that continues I feel that I'm closer to him. I definitely don't have all the answers. Shoot, I don't feel like I have many answers. I just know that you don't have to go through a life altering event like I did to connect with God. He is there for everyone everyday waiting for you to reach out to him to connect with him not just for Help but just to have a relationship
re·la·tion·ship (rĭ-lā'shən-shĭp') n.
The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
I think that sums it up. That is what God is looking for from us a kinship. In many ways I'm glad this event happened to me so that I can have this Ginormous 2x4 wack me upside my stubborn Greek Head and start to live my life a little more in connection with God and my Family.
Last week at Church the message was about Families and Couples dealing with the struggles and that its not about what you deal with (fight about) but h0w you deal with (fight about ) the issues that come up in a Marriage/Relationship.
Well I did label the blog Greek Rantings and I do feel like I'm ranting right now.
re·la·tion·ship (rĭ-lā'shən-shĭp') n.
The condition or fact of being related; connection or association.
Connection by blood or marriage; kinship.
I think that sums it up. That is what God is looking for from us a kinship. In many ways I'm glad this event happened to me so that I can have this Ginormous 2x4 wack me upside my stubborn Greek Head and start to live my life a little more in connection with God and my Family.
Last week at Church the message was about Families and Couples dealing with the struggles and that its not about what you deal with (fight about) but h0w you deal with (fight about ) the issues that come up in a Marriage/Relationship.
Well I did label the blog Greek Rantings and I do feel like I'm ranting right now.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Looking for a way to give back to the community?
Habitat Update
The CCC-Habit home build is still on schedule. It is located at 1338 Grand Blvd, Aurora. We are continuing to build every Thursday and Saturday through mid July.
Build Schedule: Last week we installed the tub, completed the insulation work, and built the front and back porches. We are now working on putting Tyvek on the house while we put in all new windows. Next we will be doing the drywalling and then the painting.
Furnishing the home: Also, we would like to gather as much gently used furniture as we can for this home. We especially need 3 full size beds, bedroom furniture, lawnmower, and family room furniture. Are you someone that would like to head up that part of this life changing time for this family? We are looking for someone that is interested in leading this part.
If you would like to work at the house on Thursdays or Saturdays please contact Ron Kelso by email at You need to sign up in advance to volunteer.
Sponsor a Brady Student with School Supplies!
We are trying a new approach to providing school supplies to Brady students this fall. Instead of getting a long list of supplies that you need to go out and buy and try to cram into a paper bag, all you have to do is tell us you would like to sponsor a child (or two or three) and we pre-order supply kits. We will still sell them for a fraction of the cost to Brady parents, so the school will earn money as they have in the past.
It is our goal to get at least 300 Brady students sponsored this year (half of the school). We have 60 sponsored already! For $25 you can sponsor a child who will then get all the supplies they need to be prepared at school. For those of you who have purchased supplies in the past, you know that is a great bargain compared to the $40 - $50 some of the grade level kits cost if you buy all the items individually.
If you'd like to sponsor any children, just email Ron Kelso at and he will tell you exactly what to do. In the fall, you will receive the name(s) of the children you have sponsored so you can write them a back to school greeting.
The CCC-Habit home build is still on schedule. It is located at 1338 Grand Blvd, Aurora. We are continuing to build every Thursday and Saturday through mid July.
Build Schedule: Last week we installed the tub, completed the insulation work, and built the front and back porches. We are now working on putting Tyvek on the house while we put in all new windows. Next we will be doing the drywalling and then the painting.
Furnishing the home: Also, we would like to gather as much gently used furniture as we can for this home. We especially need 3 full size beds, bedroom furniture, lawnmower, and family room furniture. Are you someone that would like to head up that part of this life changing time for this family? We are looking for someone that is interested in leading this part.
If you would like to work at the house on Thursdays or Saturdays please contact Ron Kelso by email at You need to sign up in advance to volunteer.
Sponsor a Brady Student with School Supplies!
We are trying a new approach to providing school supplies to Brady students this fall. Instead of getting a long list of supplies that you need to go out and buy and try to cram into a paper bag, all you have to do is tell us you would like to sponsor a child (or two or three) and we pre-order supply kits. We will still sell them for a fraction of the cost to Brady parents, so the school will earn money as they have in the past.
It is our goal to get at least 300 Brady students sponsored this year (half of the school). We have 60 sponsored already! For $25 you can sponsor a child who will then get all the supplies they need to be prepared at school. For those of you who have purchased supplies in the past, you know that is a great bargain compared to the $40 - $50 some of the grade level kits cost if you buy all the items individually.
If you'd like to sponsor any children, just email Ron Kelso at and he will tell you exactly what to do. In the fall, you will receive the name(s) of the children you have sponsored so you can write them a back to school greeting.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
God Bless Our Troops!
May the Lords hand be on your head and protect you while you serve your nation in such a couraegous way.
Thank you for those serving today and thank you for those who have served in the past.
There are no words that can properly define the sacrifice our soldiers make to create a better place to live for us and the nations they serve in!
Thank you for those serving today and thank you for those who have served in the past.
There are no words that can properly define the sacrifice our soldiers make to create a better place to live for us and the nations they serve in!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
back home and for good (I pray)
I have been home now for two weeks this upcoming Tuesday and I feel great. Went to chuch today. It was great to worship and see some of the people that helped us. If by any chance any of you read this. Thank you so much for all your prayers, meals, and babysitting help. Pam would of never made it through the ordeal without you. Thank you from the deepest most awesome part of our heart.
It really has been a blessing being part of
Being home with the kids and getting back to work and just over all finally feeling like I'm normal. We really take way too many things for granted. simple things that I've now realized are so much more important part of my life.
This event as tragic as it could of been has really opened me up to so many new things. New relationship with God, my wife, my kids, family and friends.
The phrase used a million times " God works in mysterious ways!" has truly taken its place in my life. not that I would wish this on anybody. I'm almost glad that I have been given an opportunity to be given a wake up call. It's too bad that I had to get to this traumatic of an event to experience it.
It really has been a blessing being part of
Being home with the kids and getting back to work and just over all finally feeling like I'm normal. We really take way too many things for granted. simple things that I've now realized are so much more important part of my life.
This event as tragic as it could of been has really opened me up to so many new things. New relationship with God, my wife, my kids, family and friends.
The phrase used a million times " God works in mysterious ways!" has truly taken its place in my life. not that I would wish this on anybody. I'm almost glad that I have been given an opportunity to be given a wake up call. It's too bad that I had to get to this traumatic of an event to experience it.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Then I went back for more fun
After being in the hospital for 11 days (8 in the ICU with brain surgery on the fifth day) I went home for ten days. I was taking three antibiotics two by IV (picc line in my arm)catheter to the heart (yes it gives me the willies but its better than getting poked all the time) as well as steroids
that where being weened rather quickly. too quickly apparently by the time I got to taking just 1mg of decadron (steroid) a day I was having symptoms similiar to a stroke left side weakness and droopy face etc...
called doc. went in to get a cat scan and it showed that my brain had swelled up so I was readmitted for 8 more days 7 in the ICU. I got out for the second time on 5-7-08. They really wherent doing anything but watching my progress as they pumped me with high doses of steroids. the swelling went down quickly and I regained all my motor functions without any issues. matter of fact I felt twice as good compared to the first time that I got out.
I started working the next day. too much time has passed. I can't just sit around its bad enough I can't do any physical activity because of the picc line. But I've been home for two weeks I feel great if feels good to be alive and glad to be home with Pam and the kids.
well I need to get to work. I'll post some more maybe tonight or tomorrow. there is so much to tell even though nobody is actually reading it. LOL !
that where being weened rather quickly. too quickly apparently by the time I got to taking just 1mg of decadron (steroid) a day I was having symptoms similiar to a stroke left side weakness and droopy face etc...
called doc. went in to get a cat scan and it showed that my brain had swelled up so I was readmitted for 8 more days 7 in the ICU. I got out for the second time on 5-7-08. They really wherent doing anything but watching my progress as they pumped me with high doses of steroids. the swelling went down quickly and I regained all my motor functions without any issues. matter of fact I felt twice as good compared to the first time that I got out.
I started working the next day. too much time has passed. I can't just sit around its bad enough I can't do any physical activity because of the picc line. But I've been home for two weeks I feel great if feels good to be alive and glad to be home with Pam and the kids.
well I need to get to work. I'll post some more maybe tonight or tomorrow. there is so much to tell even though nobody is actually reading it. LOL !
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So I get home from the hospital after 11 days in and my wife surprises me with a newly carpeted stairway and bedroom and a new temperpedic bed. I would of never been able to sleep on the old bed with my injury.
also a blessing in disguis is my new cpap machine ( no more snoring)
Yes Pam and I can sleep in the same bed again ( its a long story 12 yr long story)
I'm tired and going to bed. I wanted to post some pictures so you can see my zipper head. I've since evened out my hair and its grown back a bunch i'll post some newer pictures soon.
Good Night folks!
also a blessing in disguis is my new cpap machine ( no more snoring)
Yes Pam and I can sleep in the same bed again ( its a long story 12 yr long story)
I'm tired and going to bed. I wanted to post some pictures so you can see my zipper head. I've since evened out my hair and its grown back a bunch i'll post some newer pictures soon.
Good Night folks!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Long time no post I guess I had a good reason
I haven't posted in Ages. Well first we went on our presidents club trip to St Marteen and that was a blast as always. Then we went on our family vacation to Disneyworld and for the most part that was a blast and I will explain.
we drove down in 19 hours straight splitting the driving and with the adrenaline pumping we just cruised hit very little traffic except in stupid Atlanta unfortunately right at 4pm rush hour.
Parks where packed we had lots of fun. hotel where almost all sold out everywhere. On the Thursday I had a toothache and took tylenol (didn't work. no effect) on Friday I had a full fledged headache/migraine coming off the tooth I switched to advil three pills every four hours and it had no effect. I was still walking the parks and having well , Fun with the kids for the most part I was also resting in the hotel room alot watching william while the girls went to the pool or did something else. nothing was working my head hurt so bad. When Saturday came around and it was time to go home I started to drive out and took the wrong turn onto the highway heading to tampa instead of the turnpike to get out of Orlando. Pam ( my wife ) looked at me and told me to pull over that she was going to drive. we switched and she drove the rest of the way. It took a little longer with one driver. she drove straight through with only a few meal stops and two short rest stops in TN. 26 hours straight she drove us home while I was helpless in pain for the most part either sleeping or keeping my eyes closed cuz it hurt so bad.
Finally we got home on Sunday morning and pam found a dentist here in naperville who would see us in one hour Dr Hazelhorst saw me and extracted the tooth. initially it seemed like the pain went away but it didn't . He gave me some penecillin and pain killers. I went home and slept. I was wiped.
Monday morning I woke up and pam gave me my pills they rolled out of my hand. I was plain loopy I couldn't talk move or make any sense at all. I crashed. It looked like I had a stroke.
she called 911. The paramedics had me do a basic sobriety type test and I failed everything miserably. so they threw me in the truck and got me to the ER on my way there I had a seizure by my eye. I heard the guy next to me yell to the driver to floor it that I looked bad and might be stroking out. It did scare me cuz the look on his face was that It didn't look good. sirens and all I made it to the ER.
Where I started to seize by my mouth. I was totally able to understand everything everyone was saying but out my mouth came totally different things I was gone. couldnt say my name, where I was what day it was. My wife told the paramedics about the tooth pull so at the hospital was pretty much assuming I had an infection that spread. There assumption was correct. I was sent to a catscan that I was unable to stay still for. I was unresponsive and tired and well wiped out. they stabilized me and put me in the ICU. There I sat from Monday til Friday the day of the surgery. I was pretty responsive the whole week and had a what seemed like a million visitors. I truly felt loved by my family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church family,etc....MY boss, Mike Theriault gave everyone 2 hours with pay to come visit me. it meant so much. Then the baskets flowers cards, gifts, and eve money that came in from so many different people I even got phone calls from online fellow board members. Thank you Vincent Wright you Rock! one of the most encouraging people I know.
The surgery day was awesome. Pam was there of course Our resident Church family babysitter Rachel Caroll watched our kids. God Bless you honey you and your husband Bill just rock our world! Sean Bublitz came and prayed for me and stayed with Pam through the surgery
Dr Rabin (you are the best Brain Surgeon I know) Ok your the only brain surgeon I know but you do an awesome job nonetheless. I love you brother for putting my head back together and for waking me up through the surgery to tell me I'm ok. it worked I felt the encouragement. I truly was at calm and felt the peace that Jesus gives on my heart and in my mind. I knew that everything was going to be ok. I could hear the words of prayer from hundreds if not thousands of people going through Jesus right down to me. His healing love and power was truly eminent and present in my life at that time.
Then I woke up. ( i'm tired now and I'll continue the story tomorrow or soon.)
we drove down in 19 hours straight splitting the driving and with the adrenaline pumping we just cruised hit very little traffic except in stupid Atlanta unfortunately right at 4pm rush hour.
Parks where packed we had lots of fun. hotel where almost all sold out everywhere. On the Thursday I had a toothache and took tylenol (didn't work. no effect) on Friday I had a full fledged headache/migraine coming off the tooth I switched to advil three pills every four hours and it had no effect. I was still walking the parks and having well , Fun with the kids for the most part I was also resting in the hotel room alot watching william while the girls went to the pool or did something else. nothing was working my head hurt so bad. When Saturday came around and it was time to go home I started to drive out and took the wrong turn onto the highway heading to tampa instead of the turnpike to get out of Orlando. Pam ( my wife ) looked at me and told me to pull over that she was going to drive. we switched and she drove the rest of the way. It took a little longer with one driver. she drove straight through with only a few meal stops and two short rest stops in TN. 26 hours straight she drove us home while I was helpless in pain for the most part either sleeping or keeping my eyes closed cuz it hurt so bad.
Finally we got home on Sunday morning and pam found a dentist here in naperville who would see us in one hour Dr Hazelhorst saw me and extracted the tooth. initially it seemed like the pain went away but it didn't . He gave me some penecillin and pain killers. I went home and slept. I was wiped.
Monday morning I woke up and pam gave me my pills they rolled out of my hand. I was plain loopy I couldn't talk move or make any sense at all. I crashed. It looked like I had a stroke.
she called 911. The paramedics had me do a basic sobriety type test and I failed everything miserably. so they threw me in the truck and got me to the ER on my way there I had a seizure by my eye. I heard the guy next to me yell to the driver to floor it that I looked bad and might be stroking out. It did scare me cuz the look on his face was that It didn't look good. sirens and all I made it to the ER.
Where I started to seize by my mouth. I was totally able to understand everything everyone was saying but out my mouth came totally different things I was gone. couldnt say my name, where I was what day it was. My wife told the paramedics about the tooth pull so at the hospital was pretty much assuming I had an infection that spread. There assumption was correct. I was sent to a catscan that I was unable to stay still for. I was unresponsive and tired and well wiped out. they stabilized me and put me in the ICU. There I sat from Monday til Friday the day of the surgery. I was pretty responsive the whole week and had a what seemed like a million visitors. I truly felt loved by my family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, church family,etc....MY boss, Mike Theriault gave everyone 2 hours with pay to come visit me. it meant so much. Then the baskets flowers cards, gifts, and eve money that came in from so many different people I even got phone calls from online fellow board members. Thank you Vincent Wright you Rock! one of the most encouraging people I know.
The surgery day was awesome. Pam was there of course Our resident Church family babysitter Rachel Caroll watched our kids. God Bless you honey you and your husband Bill just rock our world! Sean Bublitz came and prayed for me and stayed with Pam through the surgery
Dr Rabin (you are the best Brain Surgeon I know) Ok your the only brain surgeon I know but you do an awesome job nonetheless. I love you brother for putting my head back together and for waking me up through the surgery to tell me I'm ok. it worked I felt the encouragement. I truly was at calm and felt the peace that Jesus gives on my heart and in my mind. I knew that everything was going to be ok. I could hear the words of prayer from hundreds if not thousands of people going through Jesus right down to me. His healing love and power was truly eminent and present in my life at that time.
Then I woke up. ( i'm tired now and I'll continue the story tomorrow or soon.)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Weather Outside is Frightful? Let it Snow?
From the Tribune/WGN Blog
If you totaled all of the snow that has fallen in Chicago since records began, how much would you end up with? ( thanks for the question Ed Berling from Lockport ) whoever u are!
124 years of tracking 4,536.9 inches of snow. Over 124 years that 378 feet of snow equates to 36.5 " per year. So how does 2008 stack up
once again I lean on Tom Skillings weather intellect.
look at the feb 4 report
Midway airport showing 43.4 " so far for the winter. not counting what is hitting us now
If you totaled all of the snow that has fallen in Chicago since records began, how much would you end up with? ( thanks for the question Ed Berling from Lockport ) whoever u are!
124 years of tracking 4,536.9 inches of snow. Over 124 years that 378 feet of snow equates to 36.5 " per year. So how does 2008 stack up
once again I lean on Tom Skillings weather intellect.
look at the feb 4 report
Midway airport showing 43.4 " so far for the winter. not counting what is hitting us now
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